Lucky M's Top Prospects

The Meyer Herd
Welcome! Lucky M Boer Goats is owned and operated by Brandon and Shayna Meyer of Davey, Nebraska. We started this business not only because we have a love of boer goats but so our children could be involved in raising them as well - and boy do they love these goats!
Lucky M aims to provide quality breeding replacement does and bucks. We offer registered fullblood and percentage boers as well as a selection of high quality commercial stock. We strive to raise show quality boers that can perform both in AND out of the show ring. Our "color palette" spans the board including traditional, painted and dappled goats. Ultimately, we are here to meet your needs!
We would like to add that our goat kids are socialized from the day they are born. The entire family works with these animals every day to ensure their health and care. We take both animal health and customer satisfaction very seriously. A calm and healthy goat is not only productive for us - but productive for you as well!
Thanks be to God for all the blessings He has bestowed upon our family and our business!
If you have questions please feel free to reach out to us!